Magic elements
Magic elements

magic elements

The ability to conjure and manipulate the element of water. Users of this magic type can find a home in nearly all of the squads. Generally weak to water and earth based magics, though generally advantageous against metals, nature and material based type elements. Traditionally this is a very volatile element, with heavy focus on offensive attacks. The ability to conjure and manipulate the element of fire. You may pick your second element within the rank of your grimoire, or you may roll for an element.

  • If you choose to have the double element Perk, the same rules apply.
  • If you choose to roll again, you may not go back to the original element you rolled.
  • IF you roll an element and are unsatisfied with your roll, you are able to roll again, but only once more.
  • If you choose to roll for you elemental type, you may roll one at a time, this roll will encompass all the potential elements in your tier as well as all potential elements in the tiers below. You cannot rechoose your rolled element once you have rolled it.
  • If you choose to pick your elemental type, you may only pick from elements listed in your respective tier and not from below it.
  • Upon Character Creation, your Magic Knight must roll for a Grimoire Tier, however you have the option of rolling for an element, you may pick those available from the list OR you may roll for an element.
  • If you roll a platinum tier grimoire, you must also roll for your respective elemental type from within the Platinum Tier only. Neither is one able to choose their element with a platinum Tier Grimoire.
  • However, Platinum Tier Grimoires may only have elements in the Platinum Tier.
  • For Example, the Fire element is a Copper Tier element, one of the most common elemental types of magic, however the Fire Element is also allowed as an element for Tiers above Copper, such as Bronze and Gold. An elements per Tier are available to their respective Tier or to Tiers lower.
  • A Tier defines a Grimoire's elemental availabilty, elements are sorted via tiers from the most common to the most unique and rare.
  • For more on the exact bonuses of Grimoire Tiers, take a look at the official page here.

    magic elements

    Grimoires are sorted into Tiers ranking from Copper, Bronze, Gold, Silver and Platinum. A tier of a grimoire defines its rarity and strength, going from the most common of Copper, to the legendary Tier of Platinum, with certain bonuses and boons for every tier respectively.

    magic elements

    Your element defines the traits and themes of your magic, elements have a wide array and variety, based on the basic elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, and Lightning with subsidiary elements being combinations of one or more of these basic ones. You are only allowed to have ONE element, unless you decide on taking the double element perk. In order to receive an element, you must first have your Grimoire Tier decided upon via a roll.

    Magic elements